Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Truth is stranger than Fiction

       Many a times, when we step in the known world outside, we feel unwanted, unbalanced. It’s funny to feel this way, especially when the world seemed like an ally just yesterday. But today it seems different, a stranger, a foe, maybe even an intimidation.  What changed overnight? What makes the world so indifferent today? Did the laws of nature change its course or did we wake up in another dimension all together? Maybe, we simply stepped into a parallel reality, where we are so very different than the real us. But then again, maybe not.

       No matter what we do, no matter how far we travel to find an answer to this unknown question, the truth of it lies within us. Time and again, we simply fall out of alignment with our own true self; making us a part of the chaotic world outside and making us seem very random. But again, the question arises, aren’t we living in a random universe? A world filled with frenzied situations and uncanny coincidences, a place where strangers become partners and close ones become alienated. Isn’t the daily chores a part of a random sequence rather than an organized one?

      Denial comes in many forms to the human species. It is the integral part of our system, a defense mechanism developed by our acute senses to bar out the threats, heightening our core instincts. But that was in the game of survival in the wild. Alas, over the span of evolution, it is one of the qualities we took along with us, protected and nurtured it. Mixed with our “Modernized” emotions, in the absence of a race for survival in the wild, deficient in the probability for fatality, this handy tool became our biggest infection, a virus eating the vitality of the human race at its very core.

        Then what is the real truth? That’s a question that has found its way in every era of the human race. To understand the real truth, we first need to know what truth means in actuality. Truth is nothing but that is in harmony with our own subconscious, synchronization between tangible reality and the intangible realm. In its true form, truth is the most powerful tool that we have as a guide, a pillar to keep strengthening the ladder towards the inexplicable reality.

          A mismatch of alignment with this truth makes us feel disconnected within ourselves. Deceived by our perception, this seems to be true in the material world outside. Alas, that isn’t the complete truth. What we perceive on the outside world is always in harmony with our own synchronization within. Which always makes me think, has the world changed or have I?

         Maybe we all wake up in a parallel reality, but this reality isn’t random. It is a reality that is created by our own myth, our own belief. Our ever expanding universe falls way deeper into realms of reality than we had originally believed. Maybe at some level, what our senses perceive is merely a manifestation of this realm, non-existent, non-tangible and beyond our comprehension.

      Randomness may just be another code by our organized reality engulfed in deception and deceit. If we can look beyond this, we could understand the reality that awaits us, untouched, undiscovered and the unknown. 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Genuis

       Unlike nature intended, a creature roams the wild freely, unharmed, undetected. The ability to be invisible, yet make a huge impact baffles Nature itself. Not that Nature is any way secure from the wrath of this gigantic member of our existence. But what’s mysterious about this being is its ability to influence, to alter beliefs and to create havoc amongst the most peace loving people on this earth. For centuries, Humans have lived in the illusion of being the prime controllers of this earth. Little knowing that they live in the shadows of this being of monstrous proportions. Such is this Genius, that it can either manifest the most favorable of situations, or the most disastrous one. 

       It doesn’t have a form, nor shape. It is neither opaque, nor is it transparent. It doesn’t have a name, nor does it have a paralleled reason. All it does have is an identity – an identity so powerful that it has the controls to run the entire human system – financial, physical, mental and emotional. We are nothing but a slave to its commands. It is the undeclared king that rules our lives with infinite power and infinite authority. You exactly know who this is, because it is governing your senses right now as you read this. It is nothing else but your own Mind.

      Living in the dark corners of your system, the Mind governs everything that you believe, you know and judge. Such is the power of the mind that it generates such curiosity within us, such a will to progress, that we have jumped leaps ahead of evolution. The feeling of Adrenaline is nothing but electrical charges from our mind routed thru the brain.

    Why this sudden change of prospectus from me? From an introduction of a dark passenger to an enlightened one, why this change of identity?

     It’s rather simple if you think about it. The Mind is the supreme controller of our system. What we feel, what we think, what we perceive is all generated as a result of the conditioning of our mind. Anything that we manifest is the result of this conditioning. There is a division within our system that governs us. The bright side and the dark side.

       In a positive environment, we manifest positive. And vice versa. Unfortunately, the ability of the mind to be more powerful lies on the dark side of it, rather than the bright side. On the flip side, the Mind does have a weakness. It gives us control over the opposite side of its system while controlling us. It’s like a give and take relationship. If you allow the dark side of the mind to control you, you get control over its positive side. Thus allowing you to influence the decisions that you make. When the bright side of the mind is in control, you control the darkness to discourage yourself from acting on an opportunity or withdrawing from a relationship that nourishes you.

    The question remains, why would you control the dark side and harm our own intentions? Well, that’s another mystery, another fabulous game played by this genius into fooling you, making you believe that your actions are a result of your will. But it isn’t. It is a decision influenced by the Mind itself. It’s a vicious game that most of us are caught in and spend our whole lives trying to break free from it. But Alas! Only a few succeed. Most people look at the game in a wrong way. They do not understand the rules of the game, thus end up losing it all. Only if one comprehends the rules, does one has the ability to change the game and defeat this gigantic genius into surrendering its powers and making you the ruler!

But that’s another story!!!